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Apr 2012
there shouldn't be any
shame in it
we all get frustrated
stub our toes
scream at nothing

I scream a lot
but nobody hears
'cause I feel uncomfortable
when I'm loud so I'll wait
'til I'm in my car

you take one step
in my half-open door
& I'm thrown into bewilderment
sneaking out through the
fire escape
before you can see who
really lives here

Cinderella story
only my feet had been bare
the entire time
& I'd left my glass heart
at the dance instead
& you could never figure out
who it belonged to

the only thing to do
with love
is to believe in it
but I live in this world
where so many things are
& you keep reminding me
of things that

drinking contests
midnight swimming
catching ourselves looking at
one another

that imaginary question
the screaming in my head

"Do you believe?"
Jae Elle
Written by
Jae Elle  33/F/Kansas
   ---, Makiya, Bernadette and ---
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