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Apr 2017
I am unsettled. Downtown at night confuses my eyes. All the bright lights make me feel drunk when I'm, truthfully, sober. Water drizzles down onto my exposed ears and neck, covering me with shiny, wet goosebumps.

A train Rolls by.

I can't stand up straight so well.

The shadows act differently when it rains, too.

I love downtown at night.
Especially when it rains. I am filled with a sense of contentment. Why?
       -I step in a puddle - ****-
something about the halo of the green light around the traffic signal. Something about the shine off of the street, like a slick mark on some man's lightly scuffed, yet new, Doc Martin makes me feel
   -The water is through my sock now-

Soft shapes jump at me from around every corner - every crevasse in the pavement harbors another spawn of the deepest purple.

The bright lights make the rain look like snow
Izaac Rains
Written by
Izaac Rains  20/M/Ohio
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