As far back as the middle age, then, Europe planted for our good; directed wisely by the sage, that all the places these trees stood, would be for pleasure and for food, for friendship, love and loyalty, that we be not misunderstood. Come stand beneath the Linden tree.
The others, one tree would upstage; brought Slovenia nationhood. All meetings there they would engage beneath its branches, when they could, to benefit the neighborhood and people came from far to see the rulers of the public good. Come stand beneath the Linden tree.
The Linden tree, it will assuage with blossom, root and bark basswood. Cure you with a proper dosage so take the tea just as you should. You'll be filled with such gratitude- drunk on flower scent heavenly. Come circle round this fine softwood. Come stand beneath the Linden tree.
O prince let joy be understood: Come see the way we live so free. Come to our homes, come to our wood Come stand beneath the Linden tree.