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Apr 2017
This all ended in FebruaryΒ Β 
when I first had ***
we all moved on
But apparently not far enough
Because fast forward to April and I ****** that poor second guy who stuck around
Started talking to the third guy again
And started up another toxic relationship with the guy who still has a girlfriend
And they probably all know that we're right back to where we started

So now I'm no longer innocent
far from it actually
I've ****** three guys since that first time in February
which surprisingly wasn't with any of the three guys but by another more well liked more popular guy who had the decency to keep my reputation intact not that it could get any further from last year than it already was

Now the only guys who talk to me are the ones who are ''in it for the ***''
and trust me its more than you think
and I don't know if I like it
but I guess its my fault
I let my reputation get twisted around like that
sometimes slutty sometimes not
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sometimes slutty sometimes not  16/F
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