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Apr 2017
Its easy for me to pretend I don't care
like I'm unbothered by it
truth is... I feel like **** about it

Hes so ******* sweet, like when you eat too much candy and you can feel your teeth rotting, thats how he makes me feel
And I'm such a *****
Because while receiving ''I really like you'' and ''you're all I think about'' and ''all I want is you'' texts I respond with two smiley faces and a text to another guy letting him know that ''Im deff DTF tonight''

Its like Im taking all that he's giving me and spitting it right back in his face, and he doesn't even realize
For his birthday I gave him a hug and than left his house to go **** some other guy, one who is more salty than sweet, but I guess I've never really had a sweet tooth anyways

When we meet up his heart beats out of his chest and his face turns beet red as he blushes through the kisses and awkward touches
But I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes and tell him to grow a pair
I don't know why, I can't help it
And one day he'll find out and he'll ******* hate me for it but thats okay because maybe he'll finally find someone with a sweet tooth
someone who doesn't wonder why it feels like her teeth are rotting
someone who deserves all the sweetness he has to offer.
sometimes slutty sometimes not
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sometimes slutty sometimes not  16/F
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