A phone call to Heaven. Ring, ring, Hello God, I'd like to talk to my mother please." Why? Who is she? Well, God, She is the one who gave me birth. Who raised me when I was little.She is the one who had all the answers when I needed them. She is the guy who stayed by my side when I was sick. Well, God, she is the one that cried when I went to school the very first day. She was here to pull those off that fought with me. She was the for the high school years. To see us walks the halls with our former love. Also, God, she came to see us marry the love of our lives. She liked to see the first and all her grandchildren to be born. AS proud as she could be! She was still there when we needed her. So God, wonders if you know who she is I know I do! And what you try to me to tell her? Well God. I ask you to thank her for being our mother. And though she is not here. We all love and miss persons her. Say to her that things are fine and not to worry. That she did a great job. And to face all of us. Can you do that? Why sure I Can For You. She Is Great To Me Click, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is my first poem. It has been put in a newspaper in the north. and in a book. I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it.