Day 7872 of my existence I tried to end it all, but the knife was not in reach and the scissors were much too dull Regressed into my depression No savior in sight No organized religion will help me see the light I'm convinced it is my fate to go blissfully in the night Ignorance is bliss, but the wise are always jaded they see how cold the world is and how you're never appreciated
You're on your own, alone, in the darkness, in the sorrow You pay a person to listen to your problems, so you'll get through the day and hopefully make it until tomorrow Nothing is ever free, not even love from your family It always comes with a price or a condition
A vulnerable, worn down person To be used and abused is my norm Listening to the rain, I identify with the storm I feel it's aguish and its thirst to be heard, to have a voice The calming effect that emerges afterwards is not resolution, but conceding to the fight To lose that endless battle, that I won't come out of alive