Everything is so fickle Our light can extinguish as quick as a slight gust of wind on a candle It's strange One minute you exist And the next Oblivion You were here for what seemed like an eternity at first But I guess that's what life does to us Were so busy living it we don't stop to actually LIVE it You knew that best You always tried to tell me "Take it slow man" "Don't be so uptight, just ride the wave bro" I don't know why but you calling life "the wave" made me happy You, the meat head redneck **** Who would've guessed that would be where you find the most humble and down to earth individual I sure didn't at first It took time but you always tried to be my friend I regret that I didn't open up sooner So many missed memories Lost fishing trips Cold ones un opened "#Gainz" to be had God if only I could go back in time Awnser that one last text See you one last time
They say everything gets easier with time, but time only scabs over the wound I hope that heaven does exist I hope your cracking open a cold brewski with Jesus right now looking down on all of your friends cheering them on I hope heaven exists and I'm a descent enough person to get in so one day, I can punch your *** in the chest, call you a *******, and chill over a campfire with our buddy yiungling.