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Apr 2017
your plans are collapsing again
you try to consult them even if it drives you insane
with every collapse you get panicked even more
if you fail this time you can't pay your score
you see it's not working your hands are shaky
if this collapses again you know it will be achy
you can't go back, you need to work hard
this situation is so sensitive like a house of cards
only 2 cards left and your work is done
then you can say that you have won
with full of concentration you want to place the 2 cards
you are scared it might hurt like big sharp shards
one single mistake and it's all over
you realise how your once high chances become lower and lower
you begin to sweat and your heart beats faster
it reminds me of so many , especially a roller coaster
a roller coaster with many starts but no goal
you are still alonel in this pitch black hole
there doesn't exist something like   luck
but you are so deep in your thoughts
that you didn't notice it collapsing...

Your House Of Cards
Written by
min  F/my bed
(F/my bed)   
   Lindiana Mazari
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