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Apr 2012
I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking,
Imagining the path we were taking,
I leant in close, I kissed your lips
I had my hands around your hips.
I believed we loved each other
Then again, you had another.
I would not let the thought of him disgrace
What would quite soon be our embrace.

But it wasn’t very long
Until our guilt became strong.
We began to wonder whether
Both of us were changed forever,
We were shocked at what we’d done
We thought it just a bit of fun.
But it was soon that I realised
A dearest part of me had died.

I felt like a different person,
Like some kind of weak impression.
I felt ***** and obscene,
I was washed but never  clean.
I told myself “She wanted it too”,
But mere excuses wouldn’t do.
I could not defend my actions,
I was a slave to my attractions.

I never meant to tear you both apart,
I was trying to piece together
The fragments of my broken heart.
This is about a man who is in love with a woman, who is already in a relationship.
They come together because they both love each other, but the man grows to hate himself for what he's done.
Written by
Bill Peel
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