She carried herself across the tops of houses riding on clouds and when we pretend to sleep we make no sounds. We hold our breath and let our chests rise and fall to the click-snap of opening doors and whispered fights. The night was thirsty and more than happy to swallow your secrets. We bump pillows while our lids flutter. open and closed. We cloaked our ears trying to unhear words shimmy and shake against eachother. Brilliant shouts shake the house and Shhhhhh is unnecessary when you're not where you should be no longer in dreamless sleep Lips lock and bad memories we keep Cause they're ******* talkin about me My heart goes da da da dummmmp Skip trip jump Cler........ .. ... ..Plump Stop. Waaaaiiiit... Um. Did they hear me? No. Da dump daaaaaadummmmm da dump Too young for chest pains and migranes That **** is for listening to all your kids talk at once But i plan to have none The darkness wraps it's fingers around my already broken neck It makes a noose out of shadows and hangs me up for all the dead to see it puts on my eye patches Envades my mind cause I had the shakes bad today Another blackout takes me but im afraid im already in too deep