another recovery story another story about the kid who killed himself that isn't really about the kid who killed himself but the things he left in his wake i hate stories like these stories about suicide never quite sit right in my stomach i think i just want the story where the kid gets better where the kid stops hurting but doesn't just, stop and it's not some other kid that saves him some angel who finds it in their golden heart to love the broken boy but so much love an all enclosing embrace from the universe around him from the people he needs and has been reaching for his friends stop laughing at those jokes and his mother starts to understand that screaming can be so, so quiet and when he says he doesn't want to be alone he isn't and when he says he needs someone to hold him down so he doesn't float away the world cradles him gently and when he needs to cry he can and it doesn't feel like knives and empty and drowning and the kid gets better, slowly, the kid gets better the kid can get better, right? if all he wants is for the hurting to stop can the kid get better?
give me a different ending i want a different ending i just want the kid to get better but the kids in the stories always die before the story begins can't the kid just get better is it possible for the suicidal kid to get better