I know I'm breathing because when I tuck my chin I can see my chest swelling
I know I'm alive because if I weren't then I wouldn't feel anything at all I wouldn't remember anything
I wish I couldn't remember I wish I couldn't feel anything at all I wish I weren't alive I wish I couldn't see my chest swelling I wish I couldn't tuck my chin I wish I wasn't breathing.
But I am breathing and tucking and swelling and living and feeling and remembering everything all at once.
all the time.
And there is simply no worse feeling than missing someone that doesn't miss you back
And there is simply no worse feeling than gathering hopes from cherry trees and putting them in your basket to bring home with you then gathering hopes from your basket and laying them into neat rows, smallest to biggest, then looking at them and realizing they're not cherries at all, they're not even fruit, they're rocks.
No worse feeling... than having all of these hopes, hoping that you wish you couldn't breathe, tuck, swell, live, feel, remember
Just like me.
But you'll keep breathing like me and tucking your chin like me and swelling your chest at the thought of another girl that's so unlike me and living like me and feeling what you used to feel about me for that other girl that's so unlike me