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Apr 2017
I jump up onto the stage of life,
With a small curtsy to the audience
- is that obiesant enough, my Master? -
I begin my sad little dance.
First we look on the phone screen,
No missed calls, but for users and losers,
Next we check the email,
Ugh so much spam, so much junk...
So my sad little dance
Takes us to filter,
And we Search Search SEARCH
and find nothing.
"Mary" "Marylee" "daughter" "mom"
"Mother" "Maggi" "Mike" "Neil" "Nathan" "dad" "son" "Nathaniel"
Dance dance dance, so pathetic
Now bow. Bow in shame, bow in disappointment, no matter just BOW.
BOW, *****, your dance is over.
Written by
Elizabeth  California
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