I observe, without seeing it the discourse of history in my blood Hear it, feel its silent speech, its frantic rush, and its inner dialogue Like a hidden undercurrent coursing through all my veins The inner space of speech, the redundance of images A sympathetic attunement to the dimensions of words That is the medium of my new translation A new complete language, now, for the first time accompanies my thoughts. My body is already loaded with the nuclear impulse of an outcast Demanding a proliferation of attentions, seeking the androgynous coupling of opposites A fascination showers me I become bewildered by my own questioning Study my nakedness in the mirror seeking to replace it with something else I am about to reverse the process of viewing the world, confuse my sensory responses Challenge all with a double, I wish to distort and destabilize To divide between mental image and physical reality This gives me immense pleasure