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Oct 2012
I thank the Universe for this beautiful union
Of poetry and music thank you
Lets me free
Lets me be
Lets me free to be me
Nothing else is all I need

Get outta my face I wanna look at the sky
I wanna see the light shining down with both of my eyes

Crazy, Crazy, go away,
Don’t come back after this day,
I just want to be ok,
Don’t want to scare my love away.

β€œShow me yours if I show you mine,”
The piece repeats like familiar rhyme and I smile,
Taken back to the days when I explored the world with my body
Before the world of my body.

Chill pills,
Silent, violent **** Bills
These are rhymes that pop into my head but have no following or point.
Written by
Nyx Ashling
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