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Apr 2012
Amid the pile of ****** drawings,
I see your letter and there's a dawning,
of hope and nostalgia in my eyes,
I must confess these ***** lies,
Wishing so that I felt better,
I turn around,
sit back down,
calm myself and read your letter.

It says you love me,
We'll be forever,
We'll die an epic death together,
but in my heartΒ Β I know it's true,
We're so close to being through,
But reading your letter I take a chance,
I jump right up and grab a strand,
of spider's silk glowing in the dark,
and your voice cuts through just like a lark's,
through my ears and in my head,
a sadder side of me is dead,
So take my hand that hugged yours so,
and go to places we don't know.

But Time has gone and grown us apart,
I feel it in my hurting heart,
I miss you so come back to me,
we'll play around have fun be free.

I smile "We're not done, now that's just silly!"
take a knife and *****-nilly,
cut the chords of my depression,
be my muse my free expression!

Now I know this might sound cheesy,
but with you it really comes quite easy,
I've tried to force myself in the past,
and noticed I quit right real fast,
my best works have come from you,
and now it's time to pay my due.

We've grown apart but let's not forget,
You'll always be my winning bet,
So sit right now and no surprise,
I'll tell you things I've had to hide,
and when I'm done you'll hug me well,
and I'll hope your opinion of me is still,
one of virtue love and grace,
and when you do I'll hide my face,
and smile and breathe,
my faith restored in the human race,
because you still have faith in me.
This was actually written for a long ago childhood friend, not a lover, but having gone through a break up I now know that it could still very well apply to both friends and lovers with whom I've had deep connections with and lost.
Written by
Nyx Ashling
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