i miss you. my disgruntled face, constant gnarling at the sun might have already betrayed how much i hate the summer.
i hate the summer, i miss you.
i miss your movement across the earth as you t i p t o e / march, tread lightly* / thunder in, caress / trample, r e j u v e n a t e / strangle.
most of all, i miss you because i wish you would rush in, darken the skies with clouds like kajal for a goddess. shove the sun under a celestial carpet woven from cool water and colder skies.
i miss you. my hatred for the sun only progresses with the months till july, till you descend.
they say that when love arrives, you can hear a hundred violins, you can see the colours in every living thing. when you arrive, i see only joy - pure liquid joy.
i miss you.
my love for the rains is directly proportional to my deep hatred for the sun/summer/sunshine/heat. i really, REALLY love the rains.