I'm not used to the silence I don't know that I'll ever get used to that Sometimes I curse this life for being the way it is I am envious of those whose husbands are only a work day away When they've had a horrible day and can dial his number and talk to him until they feel better There are times we go weeks without knowing if the other is even alive those are the bad days On good days I get an email from you and tears well up in my eyes as I read it in your voice and oh, how I miss your voice I swallow my sadness and put on a brave face and tell you that everything back home is great I'm doing okay, really but what I want to say is that I miss you so much it hurts and I can't ******* breathe this distance is too much right now and I'd beg you to come home until I am blue in the face I count the number of times I get through work without crying as successes Each day I am able to make it to my bed at night or through my front door or to my car or even to the public restroom before losing it is a win But I say none of these things because they won't do any good you're still gone for however long and I am still a mess but I'm your mess and when the ocean between us is drowning me I will remember that.