I stood by while the shopkeeper rang up the tea stored in little Big Bens. My girlfriend fiddled with some pens at the desk. "Where are you from?" he asked. We both replied, "California!" "Ah, but you," he said, looking her straight in the eye, "where are you from originally?" Her shoulders slumped. She repressed a sigh. "Well, my mom, and grandma, and grandpa, and their parents, and their parents' parents were all born in America, but way back when my mom's side came from Japan. My dad's side is English though." "Ah," said the shopkeeper, "So your mom is from Japan. I could see something different in your face." Inside I cried' "Where are you from originally? It couldn't possibly be here, you hair is the wrong color, your skin a shade off, so please give us your family history. Or do you swear you're a Brit? You were born here? Oh sure, but your mom? Her too? No, she must be a foreigner."
Instead, I handed over the notes, grabbed the tea, and left without saying a thing, without saying a thing, without saying a...