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Mar 2017
the other night there was a fire across the street from where i live
it was big
it was bright
it was in running distance
i know that because some of my friends went running towards it
when they saw the flames
we stood in a clump
my jaw was to the ground
it seemed as if my whole city was burning down
and that scared me

by the time i got there it was mostly smoke
some of my friends were cracking jokes
and even though there were no casualties
that still seems rather inappropriate
because people could've been hurt
people could have died
but then again these are my friends
who joke about wanting to take their life half the time
like oh ******* kay
i understand that people deal with things differently
but jokes like that hardly seem appropriate
when we've got our ******* city burning down in front of us
and you want to sing Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire"
its not funny
you're not funny
just ******* stop

and the fire burns within me
going up
until the firemen come and cool me down
and i look at the destruction that surrounds me
and i can only utter one word
Mitchell Mulkey
Written by
Mitchell Mulkey  America
   mrs kite
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