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Mar 2017
A fallout at dinner
Saw no outright winner
On the quest for a marvellous trip

The owl said that Venice
Could stave off the menace
Of wind from the nibbles and dip.

The cat had remained silent but drained.
At the threat of Italian air.
The fact that some spies had
The cause to surmise that
The dish ran away with the hare.

Sudan it was planned from the man
In the sand who gave discount
To dismount their boat.
The sandstorms provided,
The couple decided –
An irritant bad for the throat.

At pudding of comfit
And port and some Stilton
Conclusions were made on the fact
That they built in
Some cupboards for luggage
And two pairs of boots
And a lifetime’s supply of dye
For their roots.

They hopped off and popped off
And sailed to Capri.
To try out a brand of Italian Brie.
So sometimes discussions
Can end in excursions
To try out new islands with cheese.
The owl and the pussycat
Just should be sure that
They sail with a minimal breeze.
Written by
BJFWords  Dundee, Scotland
(Dundee, Scotland)   
   Elizabeth J
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