Headaches with earthquakes create milkshakes in the brain Oozing out delicious thoughts While freezing up the **** I once built around this town Fondly known as Stephanie’s Brain And people still come and visit; for the taste of what I’ve got And sometimes these earthquakes don’t exactly hit the spot Creating a well knowing that not everyone is the same For the hope that one of these earthquakes will create the right amount of shake Making it somewhat sane And when it happens it will mix up my already jumbled thoughts And produce what was once known as my brain But now in return for my delicious thoughts, Is nothing but a mixed up milkshake That will once again freeze up the dams that blockade you from entering And well we all know we once fought reality, like we do now But ironically it is all the same Our causes linked, like ice on a safety rail Causing confusion and caution, Which would normally be avoided with the mention of a “safety” rail But now seems to cause even more danger then without one And I feel light headed as you drink The delicious nectar that has been produced for you And all you can think is, Man it tastes like chocolate… I try to be different but ironically it just makes me the same as everyone else.