He’s the ache in the hollow of your stomach. He’s the lucid dream in the late night hours that occupies your every thought. Leaving you, not wanting, but wishing for the sleep that won't come.
He's the one who's touch you long to feel. The memory still fresh, of his body resting atop yours.
He's the one who's kiss takes your very breath away. And who, just the sight of, warms the deepest regions of your being.
He's the one who would give his last breath to keep you safe. The one, who when he's with you, feels a sadness for others because they are not.
He's the one, who's simple thoughts, you magnify. The one who aches at the thought of you leaving even before you arrive.
But, he's also the one you hide. The one you can't let the world outside see. You brought him back, and awoke all that was hidden and locked away. But, only you can know. His love imprisoned, your heart, it’s cell.
His agony and his love are best friends. Two emotions on different sides of the same coin. He knows not, what side will win. But yet, he still dares the risk. He still dares the thought of loving you…