When will you stop Stop being you Be the normal person The normal you Where you laughed Not cried Was silly Not stern All you do is push people Anger fills you It's like I'm married to the devil and not you When can I look into your eyes and see melting roses Not you walking out on us You scare the kids and I But somehow I still want you It's a curse and a blessing. Every now and then I take my anger and silent my mind with pain That only last for a second It's as if everything in my head all the issues were a sand castle and some little kid who doesn't know better comes over and kicks it over me watching on the outside my life crumbling to peices A kid from gods creation gods mind gods soul put this little kid on earth He ruined my sand castle; my life But everything's everything's gone For a second. But he didn't know better. It's not his fault it's no ones only mine I built that castle it'll tumble down one day and stay down But one day no one will be there to build it back up because there will be No sand.