In the back of Mama's closet before it was remodeled were those pictures from a hundred years ago with smiling faces that I didn't know that had some how been so important before i was even thought of.
That weird wood thing with those shapes I didn't understand and the funny hair and costumes and the timeless faces that never change.
But none of it was frozen because each has a memory and a story to be told and heard and thought about by a little girl.
A fairy tale set on the plains of sweet sisters and laughter and silly things that I hoped I would see one day.
Oh I found many friends many "sisters" you could say who made me into a lady the woman I barely recognize. But I sat with bated breath for years waiting for my time to come for that real life fairy tale to begin. So I could live out those pictures too.
I always knew I would wear letters and bows and a big bright smile because of those pictures in the closet.
But I didn't know that I would be dreaming about telling my little girl the very same tale I heard once upon a time.