so you call yourself pro-life okay, I guess I can pretend to respect that which then means that you must also respect the fact that I am very loudly pro-choice and thanks to science I know that a bundle of cells and a living child are not the same thing
because an actual fetus is not fully formed until the third trimester and by fully formed I mean that it is for all intents and purpose alive but before that there is nothing but a group of cells there is no brain no heart not even pearly pink fingernails
so now what, huh? you’re probably going to keep protesting Planned Parenthood and harassing the people that work there, right? because all that Planned Parenthood does is condone the vicious and inhumane ****** of defenseless, unborn children, right? right?
either way, you don’t care about the child once they’re born all that you care about is making a woman and other individuals who have a ****** carry this thing that is literally feeding off of them and why should a child be brought into this world if the circumstances through which it was conceived are non-consensual?
because, if you really did care if you really were “pro-life” then you would care about the child after it is born or better yet you could turn your attention and time and money and anger to all the millions of orphans living in the US
ya know, the living children? with no homes? with no parents? packed like sardines in orphanages? what about them? do they not matter because they are not a group of cells, and therefore not defenseless? and therefore they do not matter?
because, if you only care about that bundle of cells and because some states actually make women and those with uteruses have funerals for the aborted “child” then by default whenever a man masturbates and then ******* shouldn’t he be made to have a separate funeral for each of the thousands of children that he just killed? because one of them could have cured cancer, ******
and tell me when I was still menstruating should I have said “amen” over all the potential children that bled out of my body and into the pad and the sides of my boxers?
should I have said “grace” over all the little pad mummies that I threw away? should I have cried when I flushed the ****** toilet paper?
because, since I have a ****** how dare I want and feel as if I should be owed control over my own body, right?
how dare I believe that each and every woman biological and otherwise have a say in what they do with their body how dare I be pro-choice, right?
well, let me knock you down a few pegs with this closing statement: if you only care about the “child” when it is just a group of cells that doesn’t feel a **** thing and couldn’t care less about it once it is born and homeless or an orphan or queer then you are not “pro-life” what you are is an *******