it’s only 10pm in fact not even 10pm i’ve been home for the day the evening the night i had to leave work early at 1:30pm because i couldn’t do it i don’t even know what it was but i couldn’t do it i couldn’t talk to anyone i couldn’t talk to you i couldn’t think straight or focus or even write out my name what is the point of all your confusion all your pondering keeps lifting me higher, lifting me higher and nonsense songs play in the background i’m not even sure i know where i am anymore, anyone out there i gave a confession something you didn’t need to know something you wish you didn’t know stop popping balloons before they’re blown stop popping balloons before they’re blown stop googling “saddest movies” whenever you’re bored stop looking at lists online that might as well be titled “don’t watch this” but you do anyway you will always anyway what does it mean when your only goal is to have your fingers go numb to have your vision start to blur when you see more of yourself in someone else than you ever thought possible beds turning to rocking chairs a perpetual haze who even thinks before they write anymore who even thinks right anymore go to bed earlier and the sun will shine all day close your **** door the screeching can be heard from the street the screeching can be heard in the street lamps the bed is falling off to one side the bed isn’t falling on my side one hundred years ago this was a midlife crisis now it’s just a desperate attempt to keep going and going my sweater is curled up in a ball in the corner waiting to keep me warm as if it could ever keep me warm the books like fallen leaves are strewn all over a half read chapter where i say “yes” then stop forever i’m terrified of how much strength it’ll take of how long the “to do” list is going to be when i look it over one last time and tell people that went well there’s not enough and too much all inside of me a void is a cliche word but it’s there and it’s swimming with dust everything seems ironic everything seems like some crazy twisted comparison but it’s just the bottle it’s just the haze it’s just time for bed then it’s a new day a new week a new something