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Mar 2017
No words,

No inspiration,

No pain,

No desperation.

I sit still so long

My skin turns cold.

And I try to remember

The days of old.

My stomach growls

When it's lunch time,

Reaching into my pocket

I take out a dime.

What can it buy?


What I feel inside?


People walk by

They nod at me.

I copy the gesture

And they let me be.

But then he walked in.

Asking questions,

Making suggestions,

Drawing me in...

His warmth reached my heart

And everything melted away.

When I thought it was over,

He promised he would stay.

My mind is still a blank page

Because I don't know who I am.

There is still no words or

Inspiration, or pain or desperation.

But there is HIM.

and to me,

Insignificant me...

He is everything.
Jessica Lima
Written by
Jessica Lima  Las Vegas
(Las Vegas)   
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