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Apr 2012
So, I am simple, not rude.
Perhaps a little crude.
But, people usually won't act.
So it's dignity that they lack.
Sure my edges are torn and shredded.
Not as though this can't be mended.
Asking simply for the chance
to spark a bit of romance.
This request was met with pain.
Though it wasn't all in vein.
All I needed was a glance,
to inspire a hint of forward advance.
Although it could have been nice,
at me she wouldn't look twice.
So now I spend my days missing a friend.
Praying for my loneliness to end
I just need this to go away!
Find some shelter, a place to stay.
Just to try and weather the storm
and get back to my original form
Yet it seems no matter what I seek,
my arrangements appear far to meek.
I just can't escape realizing it's all too late.

I came,
             I saw,
                       I lost
No time to even pause

Now I'm left with a life un-lived.
Twenty years young with dreams well hid.
What is left for me to do,
but fashion myself a good ole noose?

Though I enjoy the sentiment.
I can't really deem it an accomplishment.
So now I retreat check the horn,
turn on the T.V and watch a little ****.

These seemly men talking to seemingly underage girls about a seamless transition into a whole new world.
Not even a past time I can enjoy,
scenes just drift by the by.
With one click,
I was on to a new flick.

Not quite Cinimax.
So no more visualized ******
Just the tale of a bride to be,
and the husband she could not bare to see.

(Insert True Love...)
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Written by
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson  Shermer, Illinois
(Shermer, Illinois)   
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