Again, I find myself sinking in the perpetual sea of doubt, wondering where I stand with you, questioning my role in your life, feeling like I really do not matter that much at all. I am not sure if you quite understand how this feels? Will it always truly be just about you?
Regardless of how hard I try to believe others, the ones that tell me I am worth it, it just never really sinks in. I am so caught up in my own self questioning that it is hard for me to really feel like I am the same person that these people claim that I am – this one immensely strong person of which I am clearly unable to see.
For so long now I constantly feel like I am never standing on solid ground. This persistent uneasiness makes me wonder each and every day of my life what I can do to make you notice me? I cannot change the person that I am - the person I have grown to be; nor do I ever want to be anyone other than who I know that I can be.
Maybe the answer has been in front of me for some time now. Maybe I have known for awhile that things with you are what they will always be and never what I truly want them to be. I do realize that in order to save myself, I need to walk away and find someone who is willing and able to cherish me for the angel that I feel that I am - someone willing to give all of themselves to me and not just some of themselves to me.
After all I have been through, I desperately need peace in my life. I just want to feel loved, desired, and cherished by someone who can truly appreciate all of me and not some of me. I know that my spirit is broken, and maybe, just maybe, if I learn to stop making excuses and being acceptable of settling for less, I will rise above all of this pain and one day finally find the love I have been so eagerly searching for.