My percussion teacher, fresh out of surgery: Going down the line of kids at attention - Checking the attention - my percussion teacher In a wheelchair gliding down the line - Fresh out of surgery - sliding down the line Of kids at attention with heads bowed. My percussion teacher with the aching back;
My percussion teacher, fresh out of surgery (With the pill keeper on her keychain) Wheeling down the line of insecure children - Checking the attention - my percussion teacher Calling "Chin up, chest out, back straight," (Fresh out of back surgery) going down the line, "Don't lock your knees, be proud."
My percussion teacher weeks after surgery With the back pain and the brave face, At a Christmas parade My percussion teacher gliding beside the drums Chair whirring between beats, my teacher Whispering, "roll step, back straight, chin up, Be proud."
My teacher in her home at New Year's, Recovered and childish, months after surgery "Look, I'm taller now? Wanna see my scar?" Yes I want to see it, yes of course - that scar, That pride twisting pink across your chest, yes. Yes, because your chin is up, And your back is straight.