Glitter Glitter Shine and shimmer Whether pressed in coin Or rolled and mirrored, Brick by brick Watch it Glimmer Glimmer Here Dust and Gold will Always linger Safe from any grubby fingers
Mined and minted “Mine! I meant it!” The oldest currency Since Flesh and bone; This blood from stone Makes the world go round, around Makes the world go round
Sets the bar, makes a mark In market shares And achievement charts A Golden Star, just for you Gold Standard, Golden Ratio- (My, how the luster glows…) And, of course, the Golden Rule- More appropriately, The Gold And Rule For he who has it Makes the rules And always -Always- Do to others BEFORE They do unto you!
That’s the REAL secret, don’t you know- How else to maintain the status quo? “Use your sense! Save your cents! The only thing with persistence is-“
Or, Golden Rule
Another late-night ramble. The last 3 lines are borrowed from "Repo! The Genetic Opera" (which I highly suggest if you haven't seen it yet!)