Dandelion spores Drift with the shift of the wind planting the seeds for the new generation they’re influence reaching far and wide... As is life’s course, As we begin to mature and build our aspirations in reality So there will also be a time when we discover what we must do And in-turn drift in the direction that life leads you So that we may build something for future generations to come... We are living for more than just ourselves, Realize that our lives are much more extraordinary than it may seem That we can benefit from each other Help one another grow and develop I often contemplate on how my life wouldn’t be the same If I hadn’t crossed paths with the numerous souls who were once nameless faces Incredible, is it not? That anyone could influence the life of another And granted currency is an important aspect of life but it isn’t everything… Yet the government seems to help corrupt us with its image So a word of advice to you, Be wealthy in knowledge For acquiring that will grant you all the riches you need And once you acquire the tools Share them with others so that the wealth will grow. Your selfishness may stunt you But your generosity will reward you Remember that always
…Just a few thoughts while lost in time, and a few rhymes while lost in mind, Make up the few lines to help reach my prime… Poetry this art is mine.