Let’s take everything we have, and build a bridge up to the moon. From parked cars to table tops, apple cores and spoons. The broken toys under our beds can be the very base. Our weathered dreams from child hood, will hold it all in place.
We’ll race for broken window panes, and empty trash can bins. For boxes once used as forts, and endless bobby pins. Shampoo bottles tossed aside will make such lovely rungs. Bubbles dripping out their sides smell of summer and bubblegum.
We must hurry before they all catch on, and yell for us to stop. They’re fearing broken bones, that we won’t survive the drop. But still we climb like furry ones, monkeys in disguise. Jumping up from bar to bar, higher in the sky.
Quick! Reach for the balloons we let go of much too soon. Tie them to sides of our new pathway to the moon. Make it look like a carnival! Make everyone come and see! Our dreams have gone far past their reach. We’re actually doing this, you and me.
And in this day we’ll accomplish more than they ever have. Because today we took our dreams, and ran with them hand in hand.