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Mar 2017
For months you played me.
Flirted with me day and night.
You tould me you wanna cuddle.
You tould me you wanna hangout
You tould me I was beautiful.
Always wanted to touch my ***.
Then you started flirting with her.
While still flirting with me and leading me on.
I tould you I liked you.
After all those months of flirting I fell for you.
Your eyes, your soul, your hair, your personality everything.
You brushed if off.
You use to say I was the best.
Who ever got me was lucky.
Then the girl outta state won you over.
You still talk to me I wish I could tell you how you broke my heart.
I still hope your ugly *** outta state breaks your heart.
I hope she finds love closer and a better man then you.
I hope you come crawling back.
I hope you let me love you.
Your everthing I'm looking for .
I fear I'll never find love.
I know one day I will.
But for now I'm stuck hopeing you'll love me again.
Though you hurt me my heart still melts when I see your face hear your name and when you speak to me .
My first true love, how you broke me but I still love you.
Written by
Cheye L  F
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