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Mar 2017
i get really nervous when a car pulls up behind me
because i never know what is inside
even if its a car that i know
people that i know
sometimes people that you know you don't know
so i get really nervous when a car pulls up behind me
i get uncomfortable
and scared
because i can feel how vulnerable i am
i can feel it creeping in the air
especially when all i have me are a few loose papers
and a dead cellphone
even though i know im somewhere safe
that place is not safe at that moment
no place
i repeat
no place is safe when a car pulls up behind me
no one
and no thing can be trusted
its just me
and the car
and whatever the **** is inside of that car
so i get really nervous whenever a car pulls up behind me
its just me
and the car
its just me
and the car
its just me
its just me
and i open my eyes to find myself crying in the middle of the pavement
thinking that i almost died
and i go on with my life
without fail
without stopping
full speed ahead
until another car pulls up behind me
and my life takes a halt once again
Mitchell Mulkey
Written by
Mitchell Mulkey  America
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