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Feb 2010
I scream your name silently,
vying for you to notice .

Listening carefully,
observing and applying
hoping to see what you are wanting.

could i be the one who is good for you?
the right one?
the one to keep it all smooth?

when the going gets rough,
the rough gets you going
would i be the one to set you free?

imagining what it would be like
to just caress your face

knowing your name
gets me through the day

high from the small spoken word
that gave me such a rush.

foolishness gets in the way
when i try to talk
little old me trying to have some fun.

your beautiful soul
shines through your eyes
such purness
such love
they hypnotize

living each day with you not in my life
makes me feel terrified and scared.

peaceful little soul
so young
so free

Kiss me dear,
this time for real.
Written by
Kristin Savage
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