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Mar 2017
The body bound
Restrained yet open
A masterpiece of living parchment
Da Vinci's virtu of carnal sin

A Maestro playing
Each hill and valley
Tracing want in cross marked pain
Symphonies of tormenting fire
Mapped upon willing skin

Lines etched
Lustful treasures exposed
Flowering petals become the focus
A crack of whip
Drawing outside
Societal maps of propriety
Margins of mind filled
With consuming need

Each strike laid
With a Falls precision
Drawing forth jaggedness
Bordering outcrops of greed
Unrelenting strikes rained down
Igniting pain
Replaced with fire
Driving the body
Until there is no thought, no voice
No place to hide, just
Incoherent whispers
Begging for release

Crescendos pop
As the epicenter is struck
Singled out and singed
Again and again
The body quakes as
Floods roll forth
Pleasure engulfing
The pain mapped body
Muscles pulled taught
Rigid in need

The Maestro
Etches his last mark
Allowing his masterpiece
Of pleasure to be unleashed
Poetic Devices
Written by
Poetic Devices  Colorado
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