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Mar 2012
Sedating Love (Genesis)

March 29th, 2012

  Love; everything inside of me screams passion and pure insanity.

This lust for desperate love in the form of an infectious boil is eating away at every ounce of my flesh.

Pain; I’ve been sedated with a malignant chemical; my IV revels in gazing upon the dead lying upon their hospital bed.

You’re my intravenous tube, my Lifeguard, my Moon of the Transcendental Star; the Intrepid Knight of Gallantry.

God knows the pain and dereliction endured in this time of tribulation have opened up the corpuscles of my inflamed and succulent flesh.

You’re my parasite; you devour my quintessence in a florid feeding frenzy.

Blood-stained memories of vivid iridescent colors embellish the walls surrounding my very soul and spirit.

-“God why?”-

“Now I see…”

This anomalous soul of mine has internalized every ounce of my virtue into a superficial layer of my being.

The torpid nature of my mind has caused me to secrete an antibiotic field; resisting the very heart of my chaste son who has gone without nurturing within the confines of this vessel of mine.

The trophoblastic shell of my epidermis merely houses a love of righteousness within me.

Carefully concealed within my hollow bones are the tissues and marrow of a youth who longs to break free from desolation and obtain heartsease.

A zygote in formation at present; now a blastocyst; now an embryo; now a fetus…

Where does birth lie?

My genesis, my dawn shall arise at the dusk when the day and night are at the careening point...

Where both opposing elements have joined and departed; they have done so at the zenith of their limits.

When a new element shall bask in the eternal purity of a chaste nothingness; it will be an efflorescence in which opposing forces shall clash.

A child bearer of light is what I have become; my innards glow with a radiant light as the very waste of my being has been purified.

Vapor and ash lie in my intestines as the love inside of me eradicates the abomination within; you dare to vanish into nothingness when you no longer have a purpose in this world.

My demons have lost their purpose; no longer shall they blaze my very nervous system out of whack.

My neurons shall be rejuvenated and the communication between every benediction of a soul shall be accomplished.

A dark star and the nebulae of gaseous radiance shall arise to bring about change in this world within a world stacked upon it.

Jade green horns and matching set of blood red eyes to go with it; this is a beast of gruesome wrath and a flame provocation as well.

Steam sears the very air in His proximity.

This is an adroit demon whose subterfuge lies in the deepest tome of despair.

He is the progeny of a Lord whose diabolical ways cast his soul from heaven down to Gaia below less than minutes ago.

-Love him-

-Feed him-

-Bless him-

-Corrupt him-

Evil and the offspring of vipers can no longer hold down my being; a divine oath has been made to induce my nemesis’ return.

It is my turn to ****** him into tears…


This is a godly sadness the likes of which will bring about repentance.

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