Thoughts of you Fill my insomnia ridden mind Am I going crazy Or did I just hear you call me baby?
You’re not even a distinct figure in my dreams And yet you seem to haunt my nightmares Terrors of the dark dreaminess Floating, bubbling up through my brain Like a geyser of insecurity and heartache
And so here I am lying In this bed Lying to myself Imagining other loves I have yet to find
And there’s your voice I hear Calling me baby Calling me back to The figment of your imaginary Self Relaxing on those inner dusty shelves Called my cerebrum
No, these are just the shadows of That pre-dawn gloom Memories from yonder year that Somehow resurface in the darkness Behind my eyelids
Dreams come hard to an insomniac If only these really were just dreams Instead of the mad ramblings Of a sleep deprived yet very much awake Lonely soul