Moments come in the spreading threads of self When effort has been expelled Strain slackened with the epilogue And a new oneness found
The dream intangible has been given shape The colours seep into the paper Never to be altered again The reverberations from the throat and string Have been sculpted into their destined sequence
The person who was lost in the work is now back Here to reflect on the intangible now tangible While the joy of accomplishment is natural So too is the loss of what making was to you
While you wait, restless The compass now fidgety and unhelpful Wait for the eyes to see your picture Ears to hear your song Minds to connect with your story
Know its okay to feel lost right now too Time will come when you and flow are the same again
Until then Clear out the cobwebs that grew around you See life in the now Follow your gut, the itches and urges And warm yourself with whatever feels right as a reward