I'm a useless mess Under duress So spoiled I aimed so high When I deserved so little So spoiled
I aimed too high I'm not good enough for a stable job Or even peanuts Unless it is Wal-Mart
All her passive-aggressive talk I'm not organized enough When half of it wasn't even my fault It was the last straw
I need to see a shrink Or I won't be able to blink Ever again
She sawed me in half And I stood there unable to control my tears
It's so hard to cry in public places Come to think of it even my room is a public place One little noise that could only mean one thing And you're finished Soaked in false affection that makes one feel so guilty And like such an awful human being
I don't know how to reach out I don't know how to do anything Except be the happy child I used to be I'm not ready to grow up!
I don't know how to make money Especially not in a respectable way Society has so many rules And if you don't follow them you're an outcast
And as fun as that sounds It really isn't
People say I take myself too seriously But is it really that funny to see yourself, a girl with a four-year university degree, Standing at the check-out counter? Wouldn't it just be better to **** yourself than to go through that?
I don't even know how to be a student anymore I've run out of reasons to even try
I feel like I will explode I need that warm room with leather sofas And pens and pads Where I can scream, cry as hard as I want As long as I trust Trust that I will get a nice, big, comforting label And a cute little jug of pills Tell them everything Absolutely everything Things I wouldn't even put in a poem that no one will ever see The things that I lock away That eat at me, begging to come out Until I am the rotted core of what used to be a person
Why can't I trust? No matter where I go there is no one to help me I am nothing but an annoying little ***** Let it out Let it out
Please Reason, Science, Mother Nature, God! I wish things would get better