Kinesiology is the new brain surgery Preferential treatment A Martyr for your sugar gene
Cat fights Bud lights Hookups and straightened hair This is the new Jesus
Wouldn't you know It's the jocks and the nerds again Over and over until you've lost all your friends
To a horrible incident where you decided to be free This is why you will always Be better than me
Projectile ***** Thesis on emesis I am so green I am peridot and coriander
Caring about what they think Watching all the popular shows
Does and stags Waving flags Pre-packaged beliefs Artificial older sister Looking down your nose
You are so humble You are so polite It's the other person's fault When you get in a fight
But most of all You aren't racist You aren't racist There's no way you're a racist
About a person who I think is more automaton than human being and who is seen as much better than others because of her artificial bland mainstream nature. Might make this into a song.