The stress keeps me awake My bedtime is pushed forward an hour Three hours At three thirty I admit defeat and rest my head Or so I think Gritted teeth and dry mouth Growling belly Arching back Aching wisdom tooth The pillow slowly slips away from me I try to dream up horrible fantasies Male vulnerability Hostages and electrodes Conscious becomes unconscious While I lie awake trying to be as still as a wall Instead I tremble like a leaf attached to the tree by a millimeter I know in the morning my blankets will seem so much softer My dreams absolutely captivating I'll have regretted my time of cold feet and absolute terror The next day will bring horrors unimaginable Humiliation, fear, rushing from place to place And without warning I achieve what I've been waiting for I drift away I'm in the room of my dreams My room I don't remember ever physically going there but here I am And it is so familiar. I see it every three years in my dreams I must belong there in some way It is the room of my soul The place of turning points, perhaps All-encompassing mahogany brown Nineteenth century A court house, a church and a mansion all in one Justice, religion, riches Do I believe in any of these things? My eyes drink it all in although I've seen it many times without remembering I think it is in England This place A long table at the front And a pulpit and an altar It is hard to remember But so vivid in dreams There are other rooms Thousands But this room stands at the top of the mansion A square balcony in the middle of the room opens to the rest of the house below It is filled with gold and brown antiques They remind me of my bookish grandmother
I see a classmate of mine from university I sang in Chapel Choir with him An aspiring conductor now Always taking things seriously and getting excellent marks He greeted me Seeing as it was a dream I expected some wise conducting advice Since I have no aptitude for it at all But suddenly a frightening brown-haired marionette was pressed to my face Muppet-like in appearance with red lips and freakish features Beckoning me to come to her In some dark cabaret of the mind But I was already there My classmate's face was impossible to see now She consoles and coaxes Dances with me I know he wants to manipulate me His puppet tells me to relax and sit down My pink roommate barges in and doesn't seem at all curious about what is going on She looks on the ground for what she is missing And speaks in short confused sentences I feel uncertain, yet relaxed I think I am safe since my roommate is in the same room The puppet pinches my shin and injects a clear fluid into my leg Then extracts the blood slowly and uncomfortably I feel strange, more faint I open my eyes and I am in my small dark room again My escape was a success I still feel the pinch of the needle on my shin So I shake off the feeling My first instinct is to try to continue the dream I want to know what happens next What happened and why And yet it was so real The thought of continuing seemed terrible I tried and tried but it had stopped for good For that short time I had completely abandoned my problems and responsibilities For more frightening new ones I felt like I was a fictional character A much better embodiment than being a real person But that room Maybe I belong there Maybe I am something more special than I am now The room of my dreams, my soul The room of my past, present and future Maybe I will call it Court Church I was left more tired than I had ever felt after a near sleepless night A walking zombie The curse of Court Church
Based on a place that keeps appearing in my dreams.