Take me back to when top hats were like business suits When the white moths had become black with filth When the Thames was brown like the rotted teeth of beggars And not just because of the mud When the Irish and the Slavic were exotic When London was Birmingham When Birmingham was Liverpool When Liverpool was a country village When there were millions And yet they were still so innocently oblivious Take me to the city clothed in black For there was always a funeral somewhere London The noisy factories And crowded slums The fear that the cold brings The pain that disease brings The real London The honest London The dark, deadly London of my nightmares Every narrow, dimly-lit alleyway dripping with **** and blood Full of criminals and drunks Ominous dark brown bricks The suffocating stink that follows you wherever you go Cursing, begging Lifting, cuffing, gaffing, looting, nicking, pinching, swiping, thieving, pilfering, pillaging Hundreds of words for stealing Where the poor are painfully poor Where every woman that smiles at you is a ******* Corpses lying in the streets Next to gas lamps The only beacons of light People packed into bedrooms like chickens Sleeping on the string
Highly disturbing But it's best not to interfere For someone else will deal with it Industry and decency will save us all
There is no trace of that now Except the noble stone buildings Commissioned by the corrupt
This is my fear and obsession
For some reason I am fascinated by this particular time and place: the slums of Victorian London. I'm talking Whitechapel in 1891 or Spitalfields in 1888 or something. That's where it's at!