Perverts Perverts Every single one of them Their bright, lustful eyes That needy, clingy smile Desire reeks from every part of their body Without them I cannot work Without them I cannot sing for my supper And yet I want to punch them all in the face I want to disown them
I can't describe that awful feeling That they don't want you for your voice, your musicality They want you for that unnamed act And although they've never tried You are deathly afraid of giving them the opportunity The polite consent
I wish I had the work ethic, the talent To leave and find great work Beautiful timbres and songs New music all the time Competence and prestige
I must endure their constant attempts to get closer Even if just by a few steps It makes my blood boil My heart pound with utter rage It's more than I can stand
And they flatter and flatter Until their throats go dry Until they can no longer hold their giant grin I wish something would physically stop them
They know my insecurity And they manipulate it They invest And they play the cruel game of time Wait for their golden opportunity
When the time has come I flee like a gazelle on the savannah I'm tired of running I'm tired of holding back the scream of rage The shriek of frustration