Smiling liars, Laughing tyrants, Suppliers Of the drug that keeps us spinning The web of deceit for our precious Exploiters of production, masters of destruction, They can always spare a little time, To turn their noses down at you.
Understanding Uncle Samson, Receding hairlines never seemed so cruel. Steady diets, Miracle migrants, Poised and ready To deliver the solution to you.
Glorified Ignorance, Celebrated Apathy, The mixture slowly brought to brew Industrialized dreams streamed directly, Born of seduction and designed for consumption Your ideas no longer belong to you.
The Answer is hidden, at the end Of a sentence The link to extinction will surely Be mentioned As hope rests While peace detests Those souls Were they well intentioned?
Chemically altered, biology falters, Murdering the sacred sphere Who to trust? The reason we must Purge the demigods with spears
Beyond the philosophies Man believes the falsities The angry mob taught him To enslave himself with Fear