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Feb 2017
I wish she'd be the most beautiful thing on skin,
Soft as butter and hard as steel.
She'd wear the gown I'd sown 4 her
In dreams painted by the words of affections...

She'd walk the runway of my poetry,
Elegantly like the queen and diety she's been,
In dreams of gods and kings and servants like me,
Her loosed her still dripping wet with honey
That my fingers helped with,
Falling carelessly on her firm shoulders.

She'd steal the show.
Lights,cameras and action...
Oh! They would love each shot taken by memories
Through the lens of the astronomer between
The telescopes mounted on a face
That read her stars shine in my eyes.

She'd wear my face instead and I would wear her heart,
It wouldn't fit in 'cause it is bigger than life but I'd try to fit into it and not get missing...
I wish she wasn't the most beautiful thing on skin...
I'd seen...

I wish she'd be the sun beside,
The stars above and the clouds beneath me,
'Cause with her earth is a distant planet...
'Cause my love for her is beyond the language of sands,soil and earth.

I wish you are her.
I wish you were her that I see in my dreams wearing a skin
Covered by pages woven with threads of my words...
And you will be eventually...

Kingsley Dominic
Written by
Kingsley Dominic  Lagos, Nigeria
(Lagos, Nigeria)   
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