Flecks of color amid the gray wash Rivers once formidable now only bothersome Steel and concrete
Voices shouting WAKE UP! an advertising sign screams silently Still unheard a man jangles for change on a street corner While church doors hang wide begging charity
Hockey games and unspoken rivalries Except on national T.V
Bike shops, bus stops Messengers and a mail box
Highways to by ways But no one knows the right way
Got Junk? Emotional maybe
Bentley's, all the baggage you'll never need Oh please, words flow in chorus Dramatic gestures following fluid as trained actors
Therapy is the way for me Why not with M.D degrees being handed out like fortune cookies
No real complaints until you find yourself on Dr. Fill in the blank Listening with glazed eyes as they doles out advice like Opera
Glass half full until its pushed off the metaphorical table But how does that make you feel?
It's all become to much now As directed on the back packaging
Please recycle your brain matter They may need the ad space